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, Three-year degree: 10 (50%) Higher degree: 10 (50%) Number of students X types of academic needs Physical: 10 (50%) Accompaniment: 2 (20%) Physical Accessibility: 10 (100%) Transport: 06 (60%)

, Assistive Technology: 04 (40%) Counseling: 05 (50%) Advisory: 03 (30%) Coaching: 10 (100%)

, Added Time / Modified Exams: 6 (60%)

, Sensorial (Visual): 2 (10%)

, Pear Tutoring: 2 (100%)

, Assistive Technology: 2 (100%) Physical Accessibility: 2 (100%) Counseling: 01 (50%) Coaching: 02 (100%)

, Added Time / Modified Exams: 2 (100%)

. Sensorial,

, Assistive Technology: 2 (33,33%) Sign Language Interpreters: 6 (100%) Counseling: 03 (50%) Coaching: 06 (100%)

, Added Time / Modified Exams: 6 (100%)

, Sensorial (Visual and Deafness, pp.1-5

, Pear Tutoring: 1 (100%)

, Assistive Technology, pp.1-100

, Sign Language Interpreters, pp.1-100

, Physical Accessibility: 10 (100%) Transport: 06 (60%)

, Assistive Technology: 04 (40%) Counseling: 05 (50%) Advisory: 05 (50%) Coaching: 10 (100%)

, Added Time / Modified Exams: 6 (60%)

, Sensorial (Visual): 2 (10%)

, Pear Tutoring: 2 (100%)

, Assistive Technology: 2 (100%) Physical Accessibility: 2 (100%) Counseling: 01 (50%) Coaching: 02 (100%)

, Added Time / Modified Exams: 2 (100%)

. Sensorial,

, Assistive Technology: 2 (33,33%) Sign Language Interpreters: 6 (100%) Counseling: 03 (50%) Coaching: 06 (100%)

, Added Time / Modified Exams: 6 (100%)

, Sensorial (Visual and Deafness, pp.1-5

, Pear Tutoring: 1 (100%)

, Assistive Technology, pp.1-100

, Sign Language Interpreters, pp.1-100

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